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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

..The End..

Well, folks, the end is here. It has been a whirlwind adventure, full of beauty, night trains, sun, rain, mountains, oceans, airplanes, ferries, bread and jam. :) And SO MUCH more!! As we were making our way to the airport in London, we were exclaiming about how we could feel so many different emotions. We were excited to be going back home.. but we were sad to leave this amazing adventure. We were looking forward to getting back to a normal, routine sort of life.. but at the very same time, we loved the spontaneity.. We are back in Canada now, and have been for 10 days now. I have a new nephew, Noah!! And a house of my own. Kinda. :) And a potential job at Home Depot. ..A completely normal life. And it is SO different from the past 4 months. Its funny how I was craving a normal, routine life a couple times on our trip, but now that I've got it.. I crave adventure! :) But every day here holds a different kind of adventure. Trying to live life in Canada! Its so different from overseas, I am finding. It will be interesting. Anyways, here are the last couple pictures of our incredible trip. :)
We wanted to get to the airport at at least 10:30, as our flight was at 13:15. So, since it takes about an hour to get there, we didn't have to wake up at an insane hour. :) We woke up at maybe 8:00, had a nice last breakfast in London. ..Last breakfast of our entire trip!! Woah. So, we said goodbye to Charlotte, who was an amazing host. It was a sad goodbye. But also.. we were going home!!! So that was happy! :) So, this is Anna and I on the "tube", our last metro trip.  It was funny, because now we can really see why they call it that..! It really does look like a tube. :)

Hannah, Anna and I headed off to take the "tube" to the airport, and at "Picadilly Circus", the name of a metro station, we parted ways with Hannah. That was a very sad goodbye as well. I wish we could have stayed longer, if nothing else but to hang out with her! She is so fun, and it was sad to be leaving her all alone. But we were so glad to have the time we did have with her. Keep her in your prayers, everyone. Its so hard to travel alone! I'm thankful for Anna. :) 

Yes, we made it to the airport on time and in one piece. :) Its a HUGE airport!  We eventually found our way to our gate, and sat to wait. We got there quite early, but way better early than late, as I always say. Well, I didn't always say it, but it definately is my way of thinking! :) We boarded our plane, and it was so good to see Canadian paraphernalia again. :) Yay, Air Canada!  We were going home.
The first glimpse of the prairies of Alberta!!! What a welcome sight. :)

Mm. :) It was SO good to see place names that we recognized!! Camrose, Drumheller, Red Deer! Ahh, how I missed you. :)

And home.. at last. :) It's so crazy, and it still hasn't sunk in that we are actually back in Canada. Its a good feeling, though. I love Canada. :) No other country really compares. And do you want to know the first thing we did when we got to Canada? (..besides say hello to our family/friends who had come to welcome us back.)

We bought ICE CREAM! :) Anna and I have been planning this for weeks. "When we got home, the first thing we are going to do is buy a tub of ice cream, and eat it ALL." We craved ice cream so often, but we were too cheap to buy it.. But its cheaper in Canada! So, we asked Auntie Cathy to bring spoons. And we bought a tub of ice cream. Yeah. :) It was so good. MMMMmmm... :)

And then.. a few days after I got home, my nephew was born. :) And THATS most of the reason why I was quite anxious to get home. His name is Noah, and he is perfect. :) So cute!!!

Well.. that about does it! Anna is going to be in Grand Prairie for the summer, I am in Saskatoon. Living nice, routine lives, and relishing every moment. It is wierd to wake up and think, "Well, which country should we visit today?" :) Now its just, "What will I have for breakfast?" or, "Which park should I go lounge in today?" or, "At what time should I go and visit my nephew?" :) BIg decisions.. you know.

So, we are back in Canada, after 4 months away. The great adventure is over.  ...

..Or is it..?? 
